Thursday, April 12, 2012

Back it Up

When a computer dies one of the first questions I get asked is, "Can you save all of my data?" That is kind of a loaded question because I don't know why your computer died. All of your data is stored on your hard drive, so as long as the hard drive itself didn't die...then the answer is yes. There is one thing you can always do to ensure that you never have to ask that question though, and that is back up your data.

If you have all of your music, documents, photos, video, etc. stored only on your computer then you are placing all of it in jeopardy of being lost. Sure, your computer might be brand new or not have any problems with it at all; unfortunately, technology will fail, not if but when. Take the time to invest in your future and get your data protected now.

You might be wondering how to go about saving your data and where to save it. There are several options to consider and each with it's pros and cons. Before, getting into details of the different media, here is something to consider. Your backup files should be put somewhere else in case of fire, flood, etc. It something unfortunate happens to your home it does no good for your backups to be in the same place as the original files.


Storing your files on discs, like CDs and DVDs, is a easy and cheap way of doing business. Most computers have DVDs already built in so it becomes a matter of just buying the discs. DVDs can hold roughly 4.7 GB of data on each one and once done you can easily label the disc and store them elsewhere. The discs are also compact so they don't take up much room. Finally, once written they are pretty good at maintaining the data.

Now for the bad. If you think back to the discs you had years ago, you might remember that they ended up cracking, breaking, or scratching so bad that they became unusable. And if they are damaged bad enough they become useless. According to the Optical Storage Technology Association, manufacturers claim a 30-100 lifespan, but I personally have never seen a disc last that long.


Flash drive, jump drive, thumb drive, memory stick, or whatever else you want to call them they are also a possible way to back up your files. Flash memory has gotten much cheaper over the years and these devices are really easy to use. Plug them into a USB port and they are ready to use.

Personally, I wouldn't use flash drives to backup your data. Flash drives do tend to fail more often then we like to think. These drives are useful, but not for long-term backup of data. Remember what I said early, technology will fail, not if but when.

Portable Hard Drives

I like portable hard drives because the can easily be added onto and provide a large amount of data availability in a small space. For the amount of data you can save, these drives are getting pretty cheap; a quick google search showed me a 320GB portable hard drive for less than $50. Finally, they are easy to use just like Flash Drive; they can be quickly plugged into a USB port and transferred to and from.

Most portable hard drives I have seen are left near a computer. To me this means that the drive is just as vulnerable to accidents as the computer it is meant to be backing up. Also, they do fail like the hard drive you are backing up so don't consider them as a forever option.

ONLINE Services

There are many companies out there looking to get hold of your money and willing to store your data on their servers. This can be a really good thing, especially because their are so many options and some are free to home users. This is a great backup method because it allows for you to access your data, but store it away from accidents that could affect your home computer. Some can even be accessed from mobile phones, so you could store the photos online and show them off to friends and family at your convenience. These companies usually back up their servers too, so if one dies your data is still safe and sound.

The biggest issue I have with online back up is file encryption. Just because they are storing your data for you doesn't mean they are protecting it. There is free software out there that can encrypt your data before you back it up. If you choose this option, protect your data by securing it first; it may mean a few extra steps but it keeps it safe and that is why you are backing it up in the first place.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cleaning out the dust

One of the biggest killers of a good computer is dust. Yes, simple dust can destroy your computer by getting clogged in the fan and preventing air from moving the heat away from the computer. You may never notice it with a desktop until it is too late, but with a laptop you would notice your laptop getting extremely hot; it would be so hot that you can feel it and it would probably bother you. If you notice this on the computer you are using right now, please stop reading and turn it off now. Read how to fix it from another computer and prevent more damage.

Before I explain how to fix it, let's discuss what is happening. As the computer heats up, the internal components are expanding and then contract when cooled. With the extreme heat being imposed on the very small pieces, it becomes more likely that the pieces will break. When they break, it means it is time for an expensive repair. Please take care of it now and protect your computer.


Desktops are much easier to clean out than laptops. If you choose to do the work yourself please make sure the computer is shut off and completely disconnected from all cables before beginning any work.

1. Open the side of the computer to expose all of the parts.
2. Spray out the dust using a can of compressed air.
NOTE: This will cause dust to fly everywhere so I recommend doing this outside. Make sure to remove as much dust as possible; especially around the fans.
3. Replace the thermal paste. If you have never done this before, here is a link detailing how to apply thermal paste.
4. Replace the cover and turn the computer on.
NOTE: If you notice any noise from a fan, it is possible that the dust that was once in there has caused the bearings in the fan to die. It might be a good time to replace the fans.


I do not recommend attempting this on your own. Most laptops need to be taken completely apart to get to the fan. I highly recommend taking the laptop to someone who has done this before and is comfortable working with the computer and putting it back together.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Welcome to VanDyck Computers' blog. I will be posting articles and helpful tips to keep your computers in tip top shape.