Monday, April 9, 2012

Cleaning out the dust

One of the biggest killers of a good computer is dust. Yes, simple dust can destroy your computer by getting clogged in the fan and preventing air from moving the heat away from the computer. You may never notice it with a desktop until it is too late, but with a laptop you would notice your laptop getting extremely hot; it would be so hot that you can feel it and it would probably bother you. If you notice this on the computer you are using right now, please stop reading and turn it off now. Read how to fix it from another computer and prevent more damage.

Before I explain how to fix it, let's discuss what is happening. As the computer heats up, the internal components are expanding and then contract when cooled. With the extreme heat being imposed on the very small pieces, it becomes more likely that the pieces will break. When they break, it means it is time for an expensive repair. Please take care of it now and protect your computer.


Desktops are much easier to clean out than laptops. If you choose to do the work yourself please make sure the computer is shut off and completely disconnected from all cables before beginning any work.

1. Open the side of the computer to expose all of the parts.
2. Spray out the dust using a can of compressed air.
NOTE: This will cause dust to fly everywhere so I recommend doing this outside. Make sure to remove as much dust as possible; especially around the fans.
3. Replace the thermal paste. If you have never done this before, here is a link detailing how to apply thermal paste.
4. Replace the cover and turn the computer on.
NOTE: If you notice any noise from a fan, it is possible that the dust that was once in there has caused the bearings in the fan to die. It might be a good time to replace the fans.


I do not recommend attempting this on your own. Most laptops need to be taken completely apart to get to the fan. I highly recommend taking the laptop to someone who has done this before and is comfortable working with the computer and putting it back together.

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